Westfield Parents, whether you are packing for Fall Break are preparing to enjoy a staycation consider reading "The Gift of Failure" in the next couple weeks and join our WWS Parent University Book Club discussion on Wednesday, October 24th. We will meet at Barnes & Noble and have two discussion times offered: 9:30 AM-11: 30 AM or 6:30 PM-8: 30 PM.
We have a favor. Please consider completing the Google Form, so we know how many to expect. Our goal is to break into small groups for discussion with facilitators to host each group.
Here is the link to the form: Book Club - Google Form Registration Link
To help, the author has shared with us a Book Group Discussion Guide.
We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your thoughts on Wednesday, Oct 24th.
Link to Brook Group Discussion Guide:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ashley Knott knotta@wws.k12.in.us.