Westfield Washington Schools Parent University & The Wellbeing Coalition of Westfield is hosting a two-part series, Diving Into Our Brain And Body Well-Being, the workshop is focused on our brain and body’s self-care as our emotional and mental health drives our overall well-being in our personal and professional lives. The events will happen live and virtually on Sunday, April 25 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 2 at 7 p.m.
Dr. Lori Desautels, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Butler University, will share practices that cue our brain and body for safety, connection, and the ability to thrive even when our experiences, parenting, teaching, and relationships feel challenging.
Attendees will need to RSVP to receive access to the LIVE Stream Link. In-person opportunities will be shared closer to the date due to COVID restrictions.
RSVP - https://bit.ly/BrainAndBodyWorkshopRegistration
*Note - Westfield Washington Schools staff will have the opportunity to earn 1.5 PGP points for each session.